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Refurbished Industrial Batteries, Chargers & More

At DC Power we offer our customers a full inventory of refurbished industrial batteries as a highly-efficient and cost-effective solution to your power needs. On top of being the area’s leading new industrial battery suppliers, we have the knowledge and expertise to take used, surplus, or scrap batteries and breathe new life into them. The saying “one person’s trash is another person’s treasure” holds true when it comes to our battery solutions. When you need eco-friendly industrial power, we have the refurbished industrial batteries to reduce your project’s carbon footprint.


Our Streamlined Refurbishment Process

As an environmentally-conscious industrial forklift battery supplier that also performs forklift battery repair, we recondition dead and used batteries as a way to give our customers an eco-friendly and cost-effective choice for reliable power solutions. By offering up to a one-year warranty on all refurbished batteries, we hope to alleviate any worries our customers may have about buying a pre-owned battery. Each one of our refurbished industrial batteries undergoes an intense reconditioning process. We test each individual cell to ensure that we are building strong power sources that truly deliver on quality, longevity, and performance. All of our refurbished batteries come with the following:

  • Flip Caps for Easy Watering
  • Blinking Water Indicator Light
  • New Cables, Connectors, & Tips
  • Up to A One-Year Warranty
  • New Paint

New-To-You Industrial Batteries

As a result of detailed testing from some of the best technicians in the industry, we are proud to offer our customers an alternative solution to buying new industrial batteries. Refurbished industrial batteries are an environmentally friendly and inexpensive choice, providing reliable power solutions that operate at optimal capacity for up to twice the typical life span. This leads to reduced costs for battery repair, replacement, and maintenance, making you wonder why you didn’t invest in a refurbished power solution before. As your industrial power dealer, DC Power is here to walk you through our entire refurbishing process so that you can make an informed decision about your investment. To learn more about our industrial battery solutions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

The Area’s Industrial Power Solutions Dealer